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Southend Redbus 1999
White: GM Lalic, B
Black: Pert, N
French Defence Tarrasch C06
The Southend Redbus tournament was organised by our own Alan Parsons. Here is a theoretically important French Defence Tarrasch annotated exclusively for the site by GM Bogdan Lalic.
1. e4 e6
2. d4 d5
3. Nd2 Nf6
4. Bd3 c5
With this move order White avoids the variation 4.e5 Ne4.
5. e5 Nfd7
6. c3 Nc6
7. Ne2 cxd4
8. cxd4 f6
9. exf6 Nxf6
10. O-O Bd6
11. Nf3 Qb6
12. b3 O-O

13. Bf4
White's strategy is simple - after the exchange of dark squared bishops White will seize control over vital squares e5 and possibly c5,
13. ... Bxf4
14. Nxf4 Ne4
15. Ne2!
Much stronger than 15. g3 Nxd4! 16 Bxe4 dxe4 17. Nxd4 e5 or 17. Qxb6 exf3 in both cases black is happy.
15. ... Nd6
The exchange sacrifice 15 ... Rxf3 16. gxf3 Ng5 is not entirely correct after 17. Kh1! Nxf3 18. Bxh7+ Kxh7 19. Qd3+ followed by Qxf3 but deserved attention. 15 ... Bd7 against which White should continue 16. Bxe4 dxe4 17. Ng5 with better position.
16. Nc3!?
A theoretical novelty instead of older 16. Qd2 which I have rejected because of the exchange sacrifice 16 ... Rxf3!?
16. ... Bd7
17. Na4 Qd8
18. Re1
stronger than 18. Nc5 b6 19. Nxd7 Qxd7 etc.
18. ... b6
19. Nc3 Nb4?
Black shouldn't have allowed White to size the square e5. Correct was 19 ... Qf6 with only a small advantage for White.
20. Ne5 Nxd3
21. Qxd3 Be8
22. Qd2 a5
23. f3 b5
24. Ne2 b4
25. Nf4 Qg5
26. g3 Bb5
27. Rad1 Rae8
28. Ng4 Bd7
29. Re5 Rf5
30. Kg2 Rxe5
Unfortunately for Black the active attempt 30 ... h5? just loses a pawn after 31. h4!
31. Nxe5 Bb5
32. Rc1 Qe7
33. Rc5 Rf8
34. Qc1
The game is practically decided because black can't prevent the invasion of White's rook on c7.
34. ... Qe8
35. g4!
Takes away the last glimpse of counterplay for black on the Kingside by controlling the square f5.
35. ... Nf7
36. Qe3 a4
37. Kg3 axb3
38. axb3 Nxe5
39. Qxe5 Bd7
40. Rc7 h6
41. h4 Qf7
42. Rb7 Kh7
43. h5 Qe8
44. Ng6 Rf7
45. Qc7 1-0
There is no satisfactory defence against 46. Rb7-b8