Victors Meet! GM Alex Baburin
annotates GM Korchnoi - GM
Bologan on our upgraded
"click-through" board which now
shows variations. And there are
some nice ones to play
through! Play Annotation
Chess in France
An article by Steve Berry. France can be a country of
extremes. It changes
government by revolution and
is rather proud of the fact.
Americans have been happy
with same old boring republic
for more than 200 years whilst
the French have enjoyed five
republics in the same length of
time. In chess too, the French
seem to swing from one
extreme to another. read ...
Chess in Britain Steve Berry. As the Western economies grow ever wealthier, more and more money is being channelled into indoor and outdoor sports.Chess in Britain has been a clear beneficiary of this process.25 years ago there were a handful of chess professionals eking out a parlous existence; in 1998 there must be at least two dozen players who make a living from the game, and some of them are doing quite nicely thank you. read..
Back in the Robertson's
Factory Alex Bourke I guess I'm still as jammy as
a major industrial accident at
the Robertson's
factory ... Swamp3
Queenside Battle Colin Mackenzie Colin has sent in a recent
game which Fritz has to work
very hard to understand. Queenside Battle
Non Computer Chess Julian Ward Julian has kindly sent us the
following game which illustrates
that if there are special ways to
play computers (i.e. don't do
things like Nxf7 like Kramnik
does!) then all you need to do
is to reverse them when playing
humans ... Non Computer
Attack the Sicilian! Play through new member
Donald Chaudhry's smashing
attack. Read
4NCL All the games
from the 19th/20th
January 2002 4NCL
weekend. The Sunday games include
annotations from Rick's win
which gained us a 4-4 draw with
the "100%" team!
Grandmaster Blaster 3! 4NCL regular Rik Thomas has
just sent me his excellent win
over the dangerous GM Keith
Arkell. Enjoy! Thomas-Arkell
A Trip Down Memory
(Computer At My Side)
by Steve Berry
Two annotated games from
Steve. Two White wins in the
Birds and Sicilian. Down memory lane
Grandmaster Blaster Steve Berry Kogan had flicked out all his
moves at blitz-clip. It was only
after my next that he really
began to think. Too late! GrandMasterBlaster
New Season 1 Graham Brown The Heat Is On ... You sit
opposite your first opponent of
the year and all the optimism
and excitement of "pre-season
training" is gone. Not that this
"training" consisted of much
more than some Fritz-Assisted
internet wins.! New Season 1
GM Masterclass GM Bogdan Lalic Here is a theoretically important French Defence Tarrasch annotated exclusively for the site by GM Bogdan Lalic. GM Lalic's Masterclass
Articles and Games
Photo by M
Huba Club Night at the Wargrave Arms - See large
White to play and NOT win
By Steve Berry
We have all seen the articles in chess magazines entitled Winning Combinative Play . Practical chess players know that there is potential for a much more extensive series of articles which would be entitled something like, Missing the Winning Combination or even, Patzer's Corner . In my final game against Russell Granat in this year's Surrey Championship, I supplied a prime candidate for inclusion in this series. ... read full article
on BCF Street
The grading list is online and is showing the new grades. No really it is!
Enjoy! and I hope your grade is as you would wish!
Miracle on Starcross Street
by Steve Berry
Kings Head v Wood Green, March 9th 2005.
I have been playing in the London League around thirty years, and for most of that time Wood Green have been a pain. Not only do they frequently win the Division One title, they do it in some style, nothing loath to pay titled players to come and crush the rest of us rabbits. I remember turning out for Kings Head a few years back to see Harriet Hunt playing on board nine or ten. I think we lost that match 11 - 1.
Read full report plus see some of the games ...
A Classy Battle! This was the final round on Bank Holiday Monday. Kings Head had given
themselves a lifeline by winning on Saturday and Sunday but even winning on
Monday might no be enough if Athaneum avoided defeat. Rick McMichael faced
Chris Morris with Black and a mixture of great moves, some bad ones, nerves and
a little luck ensued ... Morris - McMichael
Chess in Britain Steve Berry. As the Western economies grow ever wealthier, more and more money is
being channelled into indoor and outdoor sports.Chess in Britain has been a
clear beneficiary of this process.25 years ago there were a handful of chess
professionals eking out a parlous existence; in 1998 there must be at least two
dozen players who make a living from the game, and some of them are doing
quite nicely thank you. read...
The Most Stupid Move Graham Brown You are up somewhat. In fact, your forces are falling over themselves in the
rush to kill the king and he is restricted to a measly two diagonally opposite white
squares A simple win. In fact there is even a mate in three available ... GREAT!
Look! It's flashing in neon lights above the board, MATE IN THREE! MATE IN
THREE! But do not be fooled ... because this is actually that nightmare scenario
for any chess player ... far off the true chess path. You have wandered into an
Alice in Wonderland type world and into a chess game that couldn't even be
politely described as wild. read more
Playing against
the Latvian Gambit Steve Berry THE Latvian Gambit has a number of staunch defenders. Tony Kosten has
written a book on the opening and the complications of this line are a firm
favourite amongst postal players. But is it really a move of the modern era? Let's
find out ... read more
Milligan,Helen - Mackenzie,Colin [C18]
LL2 vs Athenaeum 2 Fritz London, 01.11.2005 If you like games where both Kings are out in the open and the tactics are flying then check it out. Don't forget that you can see all the subvariations by clicking the game score. Millian-Mackenzie
Leuven 2005
This year as normal a group of us from the Kings Head made the trip to Leuven.
The strongest member of our team is Steve and this year again he did well, clear second on tie-break. He scored 6 wins and only one loss with Black to the winner. This year there was a record entry of 158 and I must say that the organisation of this event is excellent. It is one of the few places I have played where you can buy beer in the tournament hall, and for only 1.20 euros!
Swamp 6 Alex Bourke It's almost the end of the season ... Kings Head 1, struggling
to stay up, are facing the heffalumps of top team Hackney 1
We're out-trunked and unfortunately we're playing at Golden
Lane where heffalumps aren't allowed to bring beer to the
board. This is not good, as after four pints your 40 points
stronger opponent just knows that this is one of the 90% of
games he should win and gets reckless. A cocky heffalump is a vulnerable one, if
you can lure him into the swamp where 10 or 20% of games go your way. Enter Swamp 6!
How Lucky is your chess? Return of the swamp thing Alex Bourke Part II of the famed Swamp series ... the fine art of SWINDLING! Swamp2 ...
Members Guide to France Alex Bourke This being the King's Head, it is only appropriate that we cover not just les
échecs (chess), but also phrases for creating a merry ambience at the après-chess down
le pub or le bar. Read and see also Alex's French Chess Dictionary
The essential words for France!
Swamp 1In Chess for Tigers, Simon Webb explains that when you are
massively outgraded, your best chance is to complicate. On swampy ground, a
heffalump is as likely to get out of his depth as you are. Alex Bourke demonstrates how a propensity for chaos can sometimes net a big scalp ...Swamp 1
Swampdance Alex Bourke It's the last game of the 1999-2000 season. Struggling at the bottom of the
second division, Kings Head face the undefeated division champions. Heavily
outgunned, nothing to lose, the perfect scenario for an all or nothing swamping. Swamp4 ...
Film of War Graham Brown The sun beats down on Oxford Street ... August 1994 ... England's Greed
and Peasant shopping Land ... At the Virgin Mega Store you veer right. Over
the zebra crossings ... past the Kentucky Fried Chicken ... round the Bureau De
Change ... into the hotel and down to the "production box". You are in 5 star
air-conditioned comfort. You are at the very last Lloyds Bank Chess Masters. Film of War
New Season 2 It's a beautiful clear warm autumn evening and London Chess is coming slowly
back to life for another year. New season, new hope. No one here yet so you
order a pint and watch the darts. The hard graft of the long Summer months must
surely bear fruit this year. Hours spent pouring over viscous new tricks, traps and
easy to play "extra-systemic" solutions to boring mainstream theory. Some easy
points await! By the end of this season you will be Bottom Board no longer. You
put your heavy briefcase down and slide happily down your seat. Sipping beer the
distant Karaoke music washes over you and the cares of the long working day
slide away into a daydream ... New Season 2
Stereotypes Keith Marshall Mr Average is the sort of player who plays obvious moves, he's the player who
plays pawn to king four, mention e4 to him and he says "Oh I can't understand all
that Russian stuff." So after 1 P-K4 P-K4, Yes this is a MUST, any other defence
and Mr Average gets a sulk on for the rest of the game, no foreign muck like the
French or Sicilians for this guy. 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B-QB4 B-QB4, he reaches a
position he's been in a thousand times, he now has a big think and comes up
with 4 0-0 (safe) the game continues. "Want a draw?" he asks, "but we've only
played seven moves," comes the reply. Sterotypes
Internet Chess Graham Brown Tony Blair thinks Chess is a sport. Old argument "Sport or Game?" It doesn't
matter what your particular skill is. It could be chess, long distance running,
high-board diving, even the triple jump for crying out loud ... nobody likes to see
their chosen field of endeavor downgraded to the status of a mere game by
anyone with half decent debating skills ... Internet Chess
Opening of the Future Stephen Berry Have trouble with the Sicilian? How about taking a leaf out of the book one of
the club's best players Steve Berry BCF 200+. Here he annotates for us a 30
move win against another strong player in the National Club Knockout tournament
which is always highly competitive Opening of the Future
4NCL Offfical Website The comprehensive pgn downloads are an invaluable resource for all standards
of player. You should be able to find every single game played over the years by
Kings Head players. Don't miss Korchnoi's Scoresheet!
Grandmaster Blaster 3! 4NCL regular Rik Thomas has just sent me his excellent win over the dangerous GM Keith Arkell. Enjoy! Thomas-Arkell
A Trip Down Memory Lane
(Computer At My Side)
by Steve Berry
Two annotated games from Steve. Two White wins in the Birds and Sicilian. Down memory lane
B4 the Book B3 Rick McMichael AsTim had started writing a book on my favourite opening, a theoretical
duel was obvious. (We were both hungover - Ghent festivals go on 'til way past
dawn and as all our games seem to end up in tactical melees, we thought it best
to save our energy for when we had recovered it around 4-5pm) b4
the book b3